plurality The meaning of plurality is: A plurality vote or relative majority describes the circumstance when a candidate or proposition polls more votes than any other but does not receive a majority. The advantages of plurality: Advantages of the plurality system are that it is easily understood by voters, provides a quick decision and is more convenient and less costly to operate than other methods. why is it under threat: Plurality voting can bully you into voting against your favourite candidate. It does this by giving you a dilemma: Support the candidate you really want, but risk having another candidate you don’t like a win, or Make a compromise by choosing among the frontrunners but abandon your favourite.
Some of this is well written, such as layout and language. Are these your contributions though Samad as your name only appears on one of the slides? Ensure all slides are labelled with a name. However there are proof reading issues and you could have looked inside the newspaper and done a close analysis of a story. Vanessa